Friday, December 31, 2010

Bagaimana Saya Memulakan Pelaburan Emas?

Salam sejahtera pembaca semua.

Saya seringkali menerima pertanyaan daripada pembaca blog bertanya tentang pelaburan emas manakah yang terbaik.

Memandangkan tiada jawapan yang khusus untuk soalan ini, maka saya berikan panduan umum berkenaan pelaburan emas yang baik/sesuai untuk anda. Harap-harap lepas nie terjawablah semua persoalan anda :)
Antara persoalan-persoalan yang perlu anda ketahui sebelum membeli emas/membuat pelaburan emas ialah samada anda suka emas fizikal atau tidak? Modal anda besar atau kecil? Ada masalah menyimpan tak?
Posting ini adalah panduan asas semata-mata, anda boleh ubahsuai mengikut aspek-aspek lain seperti jarak institusi jualan emas tersebut dengan tempat anda, cara pembayaran samada cash atau credit card etc, modal anda, kemudahan menyimpan emas dan sebagainya.

1. Panduan pertama: Emas fizikal atau bukan fizikal?

Jawapan: Kalau anda suka emas fizikal dan tak ada masalah untuk menyimpan, maka pelaburan terbaik untuk anda ialah:
1. Syiling emas
2. gold bar.
Jika susah nak simpan, maka saya cadangkan anda buka akaun simpanan gold saving Public Bank atau Maybank.
Pilihan pertama – Syiling Kijang Emas (1 Oz)Sebab: Modal yang tidak tinggi, kualiti emas 999.9, mudah dibeli dan dijual balik.

Syiling Kijang Emas
Pilihan kedua – Syiling emas UOB bank (1 Oz) .Anda boleh membeli mana-mana syiling-syiling emas ini samada:
- Canadian gold Maple Leave
- Australian Nugget
- Singapore gold coin

Syiling-syiling emas yang dijual UOB Bank
Pilihan ketiga:
a) Syiling Emas/gold Bar Public Gold
b) gold bar (PAMP Suisse atau Poh Kong Bunga Raya)
Sebab: Kualiti emas 999.9 (24K)
Bagi gold bar PAMP pula, ia jenama yang terkenal di seluruh dunia.
Mudah diperolehi di kedai emas.

Syiling emas Public Gold 50 gram (24K)

Gold bar Public Gold 20 gram dan 50 gram (24K)

Ini gambar PAMP Suisse gold bar:

gambar gold bar Poh Kong Bunga Raya
Pilihan keempat- Dinar Emas Kelantan (1 Dinar)Sebab: Kos yang murah, kualiti emas 22K. Mudah dibeli dan dijual.
Gambar Dinar Emas Kelantan

p/s: Kalau anda minat emas fizikal tapi modal anda kecil,
saya cadangkan anda beli Dinar Emas Public Gold/Kelantan sebagai pilihan pertama. .
2. Anda tak minat emas fizikal atau risau nak simpan emas.
Jawapan: Kalau anda tak minat emas fizikal atau risau emas hilang, saya nasihatkan anda membuka akaun simpanan emas.

Terdapat 2 jenis akaun simpanan emas yang terdapat di malaysia iaitu:
1. Public Bank Gold Investment Account
2. Maybank Gold Saving Passbook Account

Pilihan pertama – Public Bank gold saving passbook.
Kebaikan: Harga Harga jual beli yang rendah (beza RM3.00)


Buat Loan Bank Untuk Beli Emas. Untung Ke?

Pinjaman utk membeli atau menyimpan emas adalah yg terbaik jika anda merancang dgn betul. Rancanglah perbelanjaan anda.“Saya berminat nak membeli emas, tapi sekarang modal tak der lagi.Cammana kalau saya buat loan bank? ok ke?

So, saya akan memberikan jawapannya di dalam posting ini untuk orang yang nak buat pinjaman bank, ini jer petuanya…

Pinjaman yang baik ialah pinjaman yang menyebabkan anda menjadi bertambah kaya. Pinjaman yang buruk ialah pinjaman yang menyebabkan anda bertambah miskin.

Mudah kan?

Sebelum anda buat pinjaman bank, cuba buat kira-kira sikit, tanya diri sendiri.“Adakah aku akan bertambah kaya dengan loan nie? Atau bertambah beban nak bayar installment bulanan?”

Selepas itu baru anda akan sedar bahawa pinjaman ini baik untuk kesihatan kewangan anda atau sebaliknya.Ok, berbalik pada cerita buat pinjaman untuk membeli emas. Di sini adalah analisis saya berdasarkan data yang sebenar..

Pada Mei 2002 jika anda buat personal loan Bank Rakyat sebanyak RM10,000 selama 5 tahun maka anda perlu bayar RM227 sebulan bermula Jun 2002 sampai April 2007.

Jadi jumlah bayaran kepada bank selama 5 tahun ialah RM13,620.00

Bank akan dapat untung sebanyak RM3620.00 (bersamaan 36.30%) selepas 5 tahun.

Katakan dengan loan RM10,000 semuanya anda beli syiling Kijang Emas 1 Oz (2 Mei 2002)

Harga Kijang Emas 1 Oz ketika itu ialah RM1244.00 (semak kat sini :
Jadi anda dapat beli 8 Keping Kijang Emas 1 Oz
Bila loan anda dah selesai bayar pada April 2007, nilai Kijang Emas 1 Oz itu telah naik menjadi RM2351.00 (2/4/2007).

Dengan kata lain, setelah 5 tahun Kijang Emas anda sebanyak 8 keping itu berharga RM2351.00 x 8 = RM18,808!

Kalau anda jual semua syiling Kijang Emas tersebut pada 2/4/2007, maka keuntungan bersih anda ialah RM5188.00!
Anda untung 51.88%

Katakan anda tak nak jual Kijang Emas tersebut dan masih memegang sehingga hari ini (23/7/2008).

Berapa untungnyer? Jom kira…

Harga Kijang Emas pada 22/7/2008 ialah RM3208.00 seunit
Jadi RM3208.00 x 8 keping = RM25,664.00!!

Keuntungan bersih anda ialah RM12,044!!
dalam masa 6 tahun (bersamaan 120%)


Saya dapat simpulkan bahawa pinjaman bank yang digunakan untuk membeli emas mampu memberikan pulangan yang menarik. So, betullah orang tua-tua cakap. Beli emas nie tak rugi…
Ok, apa tunggu lagi… buat loan bank dan beli emas, Jangan pinjam along dah ler…

Disclaimer: Walaupun data yang saya gunakan disini adalah data sebenar, tapi saya tak dapat menjamin kenaikan harga emas pada masa hadapan. Ini adalah panduan semata-mata. Kalau anda nak buat loan, terpulanglah pada anda. Saya cuma berkongsi ilmu.

2011 New Dealer Recruitment Program

Master Dealer

A. Qualification
1. Accumulate total sales of RM500,000.00 (including own purchase, first purchase by Priority Dealer, and new Dealer) on purchase any of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s products which consist of gold bar, gold coin, gold dinar, jewelleries, silver bar and etc according to current prices.2. Priority Dealer required to recruit at least 3 Priority Dealers.3. Sales accumulation period will be calculated twice a year (6 months) which from: 1st January to 30th June 1st July to 31st December4. Priority Dealer will be interviewed by Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’sBoard of Director before qualified to promote as an authorized Master Dealer.5. Priority Dealer has to request in order to become Master Dealer and is subject to approval

B. Requalification Evaluation
1. Evaluation of Personal Sales will be conducted twice a year which from: 1st January to 30th June 1st July to 31st December2. Master Dealer will be degrading in case of without sales within six consecutive months.

C. Web Promo Assessment
1. Group Sales need to achieve RM500,000.00 within the Evaluation Period of 6 months period.2. Evaluation of Group Sales will be conducted twice a year which from: 1st January to 30th June 1st July to 31st December3. Master Dealer needs to maintain the sales target on next Evaluation Date to continuously publish their name in Public Gold website. Names will be taken out from Public Gold website if Master Dealer has failed to maintain the target of total group sales.

D. Commission
1. Commission Division
Direct Commission (from Customer)
Sales – 2% from total sales amount
Indirect Commission (from Dealer)
Sales – 1.0% from total sales amount
Indirect Commission (from Priority Dealer)
Sales – 0.5% from total sales amount
Buy Back: Direct 0.5% from total personal buy back
2. Commission will be paid by Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd to Master Dealers on 20th each month into their bank account. Unless 20th fall on Saturday or Sunday, therefore commission will be bank in on Monday (21st or 22nd). Master Dealers will receive the payment within 3 working days after commission has been bank in.3. Master Dealers will receive Monthly Commission Statement within 15 working days after the commission has been bank in.4. All order payments and active bank account number (either Public Bank Berhad or Maybank Berhad) must provided by dealers to Account Department on or before 5th each month, else the commission of the month will be postponed to next month.

E. Miscellaneous
1. Master Dealer is entitled to sell all of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’sgold products including:
Gold Bar (Au999.9) – 20g, 50g, and 100g
Gold Coin (Au999.9) – 50g
Gold Dinar (Au916) – 1 Dinar, 5 Dinar, and 10 Dinar
Jewellery (Au916)
Silver Bar (Ag999) – 250g, 500g, 1kg
2. Appointment letter will be given to a qualified Master Dealer to prove that he orshe is Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s authorized Master Dealer.3. Master Dealer is entitled to recruit Priority Dealer and Dealer.4. They are not allowed to sell Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s products if he or she is no longer Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s authorized Master Dealer.5. Master Dealer is reminded to always keep the positive image of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd. Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd has the right to strip the appointment of Master Dealer, or to claim compensation in terms of law if Master Dealers done any activities or spread any rumors that will influence the company’s reputation.6. Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd has the right to modify these DealersTerms and Conditions from time to time according to requirements without prior notice to the dealer.

Priority Dealer
A. Qualification
1. One time purchase of RM100,000.00 on purchase any of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s products which consist of gold bar, gold coin, gold dinar, jewelleries, silver bar, and etc according to current prices.
2. Accumulate total sales of RM100,000.00 on purchase any of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s products which consist of gold bar, gold coin, gold dinar, jewelleries, silver bar and etc according to current prices.3. Dealer required recruiting at least 3 Dealers.4. There was 1 year accumulation period of total sales of RM100,000.00 on purchase any of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd.

B. Requalification Evaluation
1. Evaluation of Personal Sales will be conducted twice a year which from: 1st January to 30th June 1st July to 31st December2. Priority Dealer will be degrading in case of without sales within six consecutive months.

C. Web Promo Assessment
1. Personal Sales need to achieve RM100,000.00 within the Evaluation Period of 3 month period.
2. Evaluation of Personal Sales will be conducted four times a year which from: 1st January to 31st March 1st April to 30th June 1st July to 30th September 1st October to 31st December3. Priority Dealer needs to maintain the sales target on next Evaluation Date to continuously publish their name in Public Gold website. Names will be taken out from Public Gold website if Priority Dealer has failed to maintain the target of total sales.

D. Commission
1. Commission Division
Direct Commission (from Customer)
Sales – 1.5% from total sales amount
Indirect Commission (from Dealer)
Sales – 0.5% from total sales amount
Buy Back – 0.5% from total buy back amount
2. Commission will be paid by Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd to Priority Dealers on 20th each month into their bank account. Unless 20th fall on Saturday or Sunday, therefore commission will be bank in on Monday (21st or 22nd). Priority Dealers will receive the payment within 3 working days after commission has been bank in.3. Priority Dealers will receive Monthly Commission Statement within 15 working days after the commission has been bank in.4. All order payments and active bank account number (either Public Bank Berhad or Maybank Berhad) must provided by dealers to Account Department on or before 5th each month, else the commission of the month will be postponed to next month.

E. Miscellaneous
1. Priority Dealer is entitled to sell all of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’sgold products including:
Gold Bar (Au999.9) – 20g, 50g, and 100g
Gold Coin (Au999.9) – 50g
Gold Dinar (Au916) – 1 Dinar, 5 Dinar, and 10 Dinar
Jewellery (Au916)
Silver Bar (Ag999) – 250g, 500g, and 1kg
2. Appointment letter will be given to a qualified Priority Dealer to prove that heor she is Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s authorized Priority Dealer.3. Priority Dealer is entitled to recruit Dealer.4. They are not allowed to sell Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s products if he or she is no longer Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s authorized Priority Dealer.5. Priority Dealer is reminded to always keep the positive image of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd. Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd has the right to strip the appointment of Priority Dealer, or to claim compensation in terms of law if Priority Dealers done any activities or spread any rumors that will influence the company’s reputation.6. Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd has the right to modify these DealersTerms and Conditions from time to time according to requirements without prior notice to the dealer.


A. Qualification
1. One time purchase of RM20,000.00 on purchase any of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s products which consist of gold bar, gold coin, gold dinar, jewelleries, silver bar, and etc according to current prices.

B. Requalification Evaluation
1. Evaluation of Personal Sales will be conducted twice a year which from: 1st January to 30th June 1st July to 31st December2. Dealer will be degrading in case of without sales within six consecutive months.

C. Web Promo Assessment
1. Personal Sales need to achieve RM20,000.00 within the Evaluation Period of 3 months period.2. Evaluation of Personal Sales will be conducted four times a year which from: 1st January to 31st March 1st April to 30th June 1st July to 30th September 1st October to 31st December3. Dealer needs to maintain the sales target on next Evaluation Date to continuously publish their name in Public Gold website. Names will be taken out from Public Gold website if Dealer has failed to maintain the target of total sales.

D. Commission
1. Commission Division
Direct Commission (from Customer)
Sales – 1% from total sales amount
Buy Back: Direct 0.5% from total personal buy back
2. Commission will be paid by Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd to Dealers on20th each month into their bank account. Unless 20th fall on Saturday or Sunday, therefore commission will be bank in on Monday (21st or 22nd). Dealers will receive the payment within 3 working days after commission has been bank in.3. Dealers will receive Monthly Commission Statement within 15 working days after the commission has been bank in.4. All order payments and active bank account number (either Public Bank Berhad or Maybank Berhad) must provided by dealers to Account Department on or before 5th each month, else the commission of the month will be postponed to next month.

E. Miscellaneous
1. Dealer is entitled to sell all of Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s goldproducts including:
Gold Bar (Au999.9) – 20g, 50g, and 100g
Gold Coin (Au999.9) – 50g
Gold Dinar (Au916) – 1 Dinar, 5 Dinar, and 10 Dinar
Jewellery (Au916)
Silver Bar (Ag999) – 250g, 500g, and 1kg
2. Appointment Letter will be given to a qualified Dealer to prove that he or she isPublic Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s authorized Dealer.3. They are not allowed to sell Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s product if he or she is no longer Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd’s authorized Dealer.4. Dealer is reminded to always keep the positive image of Public Fine GoldInternational Sdn Bhd. Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd has the right to strip the appointment of Dealer, or to claim compensation in terms of law if Dealers done any activities or spread any rumors that will influence the company’s reputation.5. Public Fine Gold International Sdn Bhd has the right to modify these Dealers Terms and Conditions from time to time according to requirements without prior notice to the dealer.
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